Photo Archives - Children & Their Pets
My absolute favorite.
Helena, Montana
Photographer Beales, Fulton, New York.
Photograhers King Brothers, Santa Paula, Calfornia.
Perhaps it's the child, perhaps it's the dog. Hard to tell.
Photographer Drake, Loudonville, Ohio.
Photographer Knight, New Britain, Connecticut.
Photographer L. H. Cook, Chico, California.
Itinerant Tent Photographer Mitchell. Both a bunny & a dog.
Wilmington Photographers in Delaware.
Woods & Wrigley, Kearney, Nebraska
Now this one I don't quite understand. A little girl with a whip & her chicken with a nest with eggs. I am hoping the chicken & eggs are some elaborate toy contraption. But the s & m whip has me baffled, and if it's a riding crop, does she ride the chicken?